Blue Mountain Christian University
201 W. Main St. Blue Mountain, MS, 38610, PO Box 160
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There are a number of planned giving approaches which have great benefit to both the donor and the University. For more information, contact the Office of Community Relations (662) 685-4771 (Ext.177).
You can contribute immediately by selecting one of our existing online giving categories.
If your employer or your spouse’s employer participates in a matching gifts program, your gift to BMCU could be multiplied! It’s as easy as filling out a form from your company’s human resources department and sending it to BMCU with your next gift.
Any gift makes a difference to BMCU students, but imagine what the impact could be if that gift were multiplied! For more information,
Contact Us - Office of Community Relations
(662) 685-4771 (Ext.177).
Make an Impact on BMCU
Your gifts, donations, & contributions make scholarships, events, & many more possible!
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Charitable gifts are most often made in the form of cash and checks which are deductible for income tax purposes in the year of the contribution. If gifts are designated for a specific purpose (i.e. Honor or Memorial Gifts), the designation should be clearly noted on the check or in a memorandum. Matching gift opportunities are also encouraged. Please provide the University with the Matching Gift Company information.
Donors may contribute by the following methods of payment such as: cash, money order, check, credit card, pre-authorized payments (electronic funds transfer), as well as online giving. To give online, click the Go link.
Giving appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds provide even greater tax benefits to the donor than giving cash. When making such gifts, the donor should consider the securities original cost in relation to the current value. The easiest way to transfer securities to Blue Mountain Christian is for the donor to request that his/her broker contact the Office of Community Relations (662) 685-4771 (Ext.177).
Donors may own real estate or certain other properties that could also be good choices for charitable gifts. An outright gift of real estate enables the donor to claim an income tax charitable deduction equal to the property's fair market value and removes the property from the estate. This can be done by bequest or during an individual's lifetime. Gifts of appreciated real estate help avoid capital gains and estate taxes. For more information, the donor should contact the Office of Community Relations (662) 685-4771 (Ext.177).
Donors may supply Blue Mountain Christian with needed goods, materials and services instead of giving monetarily. To discuss the possibility of such gifts, the donor should contact the Office of the President at 662.685.4771 (Ext. 131).
Artwork, rare books, coins, stamps, equipment and antique furniture can be appropriate gifts to Blue Mountain Christian. To discuss the possibility of such gifts, the donor should contact the Office of the President at 662.685.4771 (Ext. 131).
Many donors are interested in supporting BMC through volunteering. For more information on Volunteering, call Pam Bowman at 662-685-4771 (Ext. 131).
Blue Mountain Christian University
P.O. Box 160
Blue Mountain, MS 38610